2023 Club Championship(s) Tournament

From Steve Livingston, TGA President

Recap – The weather forecast for this weekend was a big miss from the weather folks. In general, we had great course conditions and some stellar play in all divisions. We want to thank the grounds crew and all the guys at Tanglewood for a great weekend.

Congratulations to our New Club Champion – Jeremy Ray, our new Senior Club Champion – Glenn Levine, and our new Super Senior Champion – Jerry Johnson. The full results were sent out last night. We will circle back to get trophy pictures with the winners.

On Saturday, Hugh Quinn added a new competition with a Long Drive on Reynolds #7. It was fun to see the markers down the fairway; something different. The winners were: Championship Flight – Kenny Flynn, “Blue Tee Group” – Fred Uberseder, and Eddie James from the “White Tee Group”. Congratulations guys and thanks Hugh for setting this up. Hugh awarded them a sleeve of golf balls of their choice. This was all Hugh, nice.

I’ll send pictures of the skins sheets on a separate email. On Sunday, Super Senior A and B had 7 skins that paid $6 each, Senior B had 4 skins for $10 each, Senior A had 7 skins for $6 each, and Men’s A had 4 skins for $10 each. There was an error on the 3 Men’s B skin participants, so the guys will have their $5 entry fee for Sunday returned. (Kyle Smith, David Wilson, and Pete Schantz).

The Sunday greenie drawing winners were: #3 Fred Uberseder, #7 Fred Uberseder, #11 Sam Crawley, #16 Brian Sainz. The greenies paid $40 each. There were lots of tickets for each hole. It was quite a surprise to pull Fred’s tickets two times in a row!

One item that we overlooked was the Yeti drawing. That thing was looking back at me when I put the stuff back in the locker. The drawing will be held in the coming days. Results will be announced. Thanks to Mark Robson for donating the Yeti Tumbler. The drawing raised $200 for the 17u boys and we contributed another $112 to Daniels team. Nice going guys.

As per usual, if you weren’t there to pick up your prize, it’s in the locker waiting for you. Please see any current officer or past officer for access. I think we did a great job of wrapping up the tournament and getting out to everyone quickly.

Thanks, to Hugh Quinn, Rob Heflin, Dave Edenfield, Jim Williams, Mark Sr, and a lot more for all their hard work.

For complete results, please click here.

Next up is the Hatfields and McCoys – October 7th and 8th.